We partner with ministries that SHINE!
And we SHINE with them by committing financial support annually, by providing space in our building, or through volunteering with their organizations.
We partner with established registered ministries that align with our mission and values: International ministries—Compassion Canada, Frontier Labourers for Christ, Graceland Ministries, Lifeline Christian Mission, Pioneer Bible Translations Canada, Tabuk Refuge of Hope, Wycliffe Canada; in Calgary and Alberta — Alberta Bible College, Pine Lake Christian Camp, Hope Mission, Mainsprings Pregnancy and Family Support, Brown Bagging for Kids, and Bridgecare Prison Ministry.
Frontier Labourers for Christ
Frontier Labourers for Christ takes the gospel to the tribal peoples of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar through church planting, crop substitution programs, village development projects, leadership development and the Barefoot Doctors ministry. FLC Canada is conducting Bible seminars for evangelists, pastors, and church leaders in Thailand and Myanmar. The organization is also holding Bible Camps for families and young people throughout the year. FLC is directed by Beverley Kalnin.
Field: PO Box 206, Chiang Mai, 50000, Thailand

Graceland Ministries
Krakow, Poland
From its beginnings in Ciechanów twenty-four years ago to today’s vibrant ministry in Kraków, Graceland is far more than an English school, with a growing community of adults and teens participating in Bible studies and discipleship groups. Focusing on Bible characters, dynamic testimonies and Christian fiction, the English school continues to be an entryway into the community, engaging people in conversations of the soul. Short-term teams participate easily in all aspects of Graceland’s outreach. Graceland Ministries is field-directed by Jay Bowyer and Colette Ladan.
Field: ul Babinskiego 4/6 30-393 Krakow, Poland
Lifeline Christian Mission
Haiti Project
Haiti Project
Ricot and Mandy Leon and their family work in Port Salut, Haiti where Ricot serves as Lifeline’s Southern Haiti Regional Director. The Heart for Home ministry that Ricot and Oak Park Church founded some years ago has merged with Lifeline’s ministry and Ricot oversees a number of churches and leaders in the southern portion of Haiti. As well, he continues to pursue his vision of creating a training centre for Haiti’s young people, providing them with experience and coaching that will empower them to provide for themselves and contribute to Haiti’s future.
Email: connect@lifeline.org

Pine Lake Christian Camp
Pine Lake, Alberta
Pine Lake Christian Camp, located southeast of Red Deer, is the setting for year-round Christian camps and retreats. Camps provide adventure, community, spiritual guidance, and biblical teaching for children, youth and adults.
Ph: 403 886 4661
Email: info@pinelakechristiancamp.com
Pioneer Bible Translators of Canada
Papua New Guinea
Pioneer Bible Translators of Canada’s (PBT-C) mission is to disciple the Bibleless, mobilizing God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s Word.

Tabuk Refuge of Hope
Vienna Moilliet and her ministry partner, Cheryl Domingo, opened the doors of Refuge of Hope in June 2020. Located in Tabuk City, it is the first shelter of its kind in the province of Kalinga. The refuge takes in women and girls who have been sexually abused and exploited, helping survivors find hope and healing in the love of Christ shown through prayer, counselling, and a stable living environment.
Wycliffe Canada
Aileen Navratil
Aileen Navratil joined Wycliffe in 2003 and in her role as Senior Accountant, she provides support to field workers enabling them to do their jobs more effectively. The mission of Wycliffe is to end Bible poverty by facilitating the translation of God’s Word among minority language communities worldwide.
Phone: 403 250 5411
Email: aileen.navratil@wycliffe.ca

Alberta Bible College
Calgary, Alberta
Alberta Bible College (ABC) prepares people to lead active Christian lives in whatever field God calls them. ABC is a Christian higher education institution that prepares believers for the sake of the kingdom of God in whatever social and cultural context God leads them locally and globally. ABC offers semester-based courses as well as Professional Adult Christian Education (PACE) options with majors in biblical studies, leadership, counselling, and non-profit leadership.
635 Northmount Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2K 3J6
Phone: 403 282 2994
Email: admissions@abccampus.ca
Compassion Canada: Child Survival Program
El Salvador
Compassion Canada is an international organization that partners with local churches to combat poverty in the lives of children and their families. Our support through Compassion to a local church partner in El Salvador helps rescue moms and babies from desperate poverty and offers them hope through the gospel message. They are given training to help support their families as well as nutritional supplies and education in raising their children.