Parking Permits


Parking permits are available to purchase for those wishing to park on our church property (required for any purpose other than a ministry event in our facility). Daily, weekly, and monthly passes are available. Long-term arrangements can be discussed with the church office. Please log in and register your vehicle information. Note: Overnight parking is not allowed unless previously authorized.


  • $5 / day
  • $20 / week
  • $35 / 2 consecutive weeks
  • $63 / month

Payment (using e-transfer)

  1. Do not click the Register button.
  2. Instead e-transfer your payment to
  3. Please include in your comment section the following information:
  • Vehicle model & license plate.
    e.g. Ford F150 ABC-123
  • Your name & contact number.
    e.g. John Doe 123-456-7890
  • Also include the month(s) or date(s) you plan to use the parking lot.
    e.g. Jan-2022

Register & payment (using credit)

  1. Click the Register button to begin the process.
  2. After entering your contact & vehicle information, click Next and review your registration.
  3. Select payment method: Credit/debit.
  4. Enter your credit card information.
  5. Click Make Payment to process your payment.

Contact Us

If you have any questions please contact the church office. | 403-286-5300